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FREE Trading Bot that Passed the $50,000 Trading Challenge

(+ FREE Trial Version of the AI Software that Creates bots exactly like that without programming)

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The exact bot you're about to download passed $50k Monevis Trading Challenge and now you can get the exact copy of it

I passed the $50k Monevis Trading Challenge on 18th of June 2024 using this exact bot. It took me ONLY 5 DAYS TO PASS THE CHALLENGE and those are the results and all the trades the AI BOT made on trading account during the challenge.

  • It took me ONLY 5 DAYS to pass the challenge


  • CLOSED PROFIT OVER 12,5 % during the challenge

  • I had to manually open 2 small trades to meet the criteria of MINIMUM 5 TRADING DAYS


As a bonus, I'm adding software that creates AI trading bots like that without programming so you can have more

I created the AI BOT which passed this trading challenge thanks to the software StrategyQuant X. Its simple AI software, which can create even hundrends of AI BOTs without programming FAST AND EASY. If you download the FREE AI BOT you also get FREE TRIAL version of StrategyQuant X.

These are the results of people using the same software that generates AI BOTs:

Here's how @bendex is trading other people's money (over $650,000) thanks to AI BOTs generated in StrategyQuant X

This is public AI BOT portfolio one of StrategyQuant X users @bendex on Darvinex. Since December 2018 @bendex achieved profit over 150 % and CURRENTLY IS MANAGING CAPITAL OVER $650,000 for 119 investors which is raising every day.

And another one..

Annualized return almost 27 % of AI trader @windward

Another public traded portfolio of user @windward with track record over 1,5 year. Cumuliative return 42,94 % with maximum drawdown only 8,66 %. @WINDWARD IS CURRENTLY TRADING PORTFOLIO OVER $530,000 which he got from other investors.

@2024 Quarry Invest Ltd.